Real problems. Real animals.
Real people. Real impact: ROLDA Dog Rescue Team
We’re incredibly grateful to our monthly donors for their support and generosity. Check who they are or add your name to our Wall of Fame.
We are ROLDA and we exist to #givehope to neglected, abused animals and people who care about them. ROLDA UK rehome dogs from the Romanian branch into UK forever homes. Funds raised in the UK are provided to ROLDA Romania to be expended towards its animal rescue projects or granted to organisations operating in Ukraine.
Wildlife trafficking is life-threatening for the animals. ROLDA is fighting against it.
Learn a bit of our history, how ROLDA started, why we operate in Galati, what we have been able to change for animals in a country where public shelters continue to put Romania to shame under EU's indifferent eyes.
that makes the rescue work of ROLDA UK possible in areas where animals have no one else.
Our mission is to ensure animals have a good life by advocating for them and by inspiring everyone to treat them with compassion and respect. Our strategy will build on these strong beliefs for years to come.
Rescued in Romania, loved all over the World
Since 2021, ROLDA expanded its support to different other cities across Romania
More than being a nuisance, these parasites may carry crippling or fatal diseases.
For some a temporary home, for others a permanent one. Either way, it’s vital to all.
Neglect, abuse and abandonment, backed by lack of knowledge are the causes of suffering we need to address. How? By educating people.
Before-after images show our animals’ difficult journeys. They show the resilience of dogs and our hard work.
Although abusive and punishable by law, keeping dogs in chains is still a practice in many rural areas in Romania. It is a challenge to really change things.
Dog pounds are the places hope and humanity go to die. Help shut them down!
Help us call on authorities to punish the Tulcea animal abuser caught on tape.
Wildlife animals’ lives are worth more than the price of tickets. Help us save them!
We are always looking for new foster carers throughout the UK as it provides a stable halfway house between the Romanian shelters and their forever home.
Spread the word about our activity, about what we have already done, about what we plan to do. Wear our logo and start a conversation.
Bring a new furry member into your family!
We run two dog shelters, a cat sanctuary and help over 1000 animals each year. But if it wasn’t for the generosity of our supporters like you, we wouldn’t exist. Can you continue help fund our vital work?
Your donation helps us rescue animals from cruelty and neglect, care for them and find them loving homes. During the war, we extend our support to animals from Ukraine.
We have huge costs to run our shelters every year. Giving monthly is the best way to provide ongoing support in our fight to protect animals in need in Romania.
If you believe, like we do, that animal cruelty should not be tolerated, then a gift in your will means you can always be there for animals in need.
How gifts in will make a difference
Animals give us a better life. We can make them a better World. See how!
Every gift in will has the power to transform the animals World the way YOU dream it to be.
Payroll Giving is the easiest and most efficient way for you to support your favorite charity.
Our vision is a World where all animals are treated with kindness and compassion. But we can’t do it alone. Choose to support a one-off cost or a project.
Help us build a piece of art animal sanctuary in South-East Europe for people to also benefit.
When you donate Bitcoin and other crypto to ROLDA, you generally owe no capital gains tax.
You can turn your used vehicle into a meaningful contribution to help animals and ROLDA UK
Buy a virtual gift that helps a real animal in need!
Buy lovely items hand made in Romania and help animals in need becuse all profits will go toward them.
Recycle your used printer cartridges for our charity so we can save more dogs. ROLDA has teamed up with to help raise funds for stray dogs in Romania —while helping the environment— by encouraging you to recycle your ink cartridges.
Would you like to make a onetime donation?
Would you like to make a donation to one of ROLDA’s projects?
“This is one of the worst I’ve seen” exclaimed our vet, gingerly removing a plastic shopping bag stuck to Bela’s deep and infected facial wound. Bela’s story begins in the village of Cismele, South-East Romania, one of the country’s poorest rural communities.
Find us on Patreon and support us.
Join our Teaming group for just 1 EUR/month
They are lost in a cruel, unsympathetic world. Will you join the ROLDA Rescue Team to help rescue, heal and find a loving home for the animals we saved?
As a member of our Rescue Team, you will bring comfort and joy to our furry friends. By making a monthly donation you will become a cherished member of the ROLDA Rescue Team.
Bela was attacked and left for dead.
She managed to drag her injured body so she could be seen before collapsing. When the ROLDA Rescue Team arrived, Bela was motionless and looked like she was already gone.
But then she stirred and her eyes begged for help. Bela has experienced fear and pain as no dog should. Only with your help can we save dogs like Bela, who need urgent, life-saving treatment.
buys a vaccine to protect a new rescued dog against deadly diseases
buys a new blanket/straws or a coat to keep a rescued dog/cat warm in winter
covers the fuel for ROLDA rescue van for a day
covers food and prevention treatment for a dog/cat for a month
pays a visit to the vet for a medical exam for a new rescued animal
A “human” threw 2 pups in a bag and abandoned them, together with their mum, who was tied up by our shelter gate. When our caretakers saw something moving in the bag, they knew what to expect, because they have been seeing this scene over and over again, for years.
The big surprise was once the bag was opened and from its bottom appeared 2 pairs of gorgeous eyes and simply irresistible smiling faces. At ROLDA, this newly rescued family will get everything we are able to offer them. The female adult is not adoptable yet, because she is a little aggressive. The pups will separated immediately after they stop being dependent on their mum.
Real problems. Real animals.
Real people. Real impact: ROLDA Dog Rescue Team
We’re incredibly grateful to our monthly donors for their support and generosity. Check who they are or add your name to our Wall of Fame.