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Privacy Policy

ROLDA UK Registered charity number: 1162690 ( “ROLDA”, “we”, “our” or “us”) takes your privacy seriously.

ROLDA’s Data Protection Policy, Privacy Statement and Data Storage and Retention Policy were all designed to ensure the charity’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (EC Directive)(Amendment) 2011.
ROLDA UK believes strongly in protecting the integrity and privacy of personal information gathered from our members and visitors to our websites. Since the protection of your privacy is of great importance to us, we have created this privacy policy to communicate our practices regarding the collection and dissemination of personal information that can be linked to a specific individual, such as a name, address, phone number or e-mail address or any other information provided to us by our members and website visitors.

These policies do not extend to external sites linked from our sites or other non-ROLDA UK website content. Please check with these companies and sites for their policies regarding data privacy, including the use of “cookies”.

We will only mail appeals to supporters who have demonstrated an active interest in the charity. These supporters will have donated within the last three years or will have demonstrated a long-term interest in the charity (through such activity as pledging a gift in their Will). Our materials will always give an option for the supporter to opt out of ROLDA UK marketing and communications; and we will never send appeals to anyone who has opted out.

We will only make fundraising appeals by email or phone to supporters who have asked to receive calls and emails from us. Each call or email will include an opportunity for a supporter to opt out of future communications. We will never call or email anyone who has asked not be contacted in this way.

These policies do not extend to external sites that our site is linked to or online content otherwise uncontrolled by us. Please check with these companies and sites for their policies regarding data privacy, including the use of “cookies”.

What information does ROLDA collect?

We do not collect personally identifying information from our visitors beyond that which is supplied to us on a voluntary basis. You are in control of the personally identifying information you supply to us. You can choose whether to supply your name to us or if you prefer you may interact with the organisation under a pseudonym or anonymously.

ROLDA UK collects information from the public in a number of different ways. For example, we ask for contact and other information when members of the public rehome or adopt a dog, sign up to our shared adoption scheme or engage with one of our campaigns. This may include information such as your name, date of birth and contact information. We use this information to help us provide and improve our services as a charity and to keep a record of our communications with you.

If you are a financial supporter of ROLDA UK, by becoming a member, sponsoring a dog or donating to us we will ask for information that enables us to administer your donation. This will normally include information such as your name, contact details such as address, email or telephone number and your payment details and Gift Aid status.

If you have given us your consent, we will contact you with information and updates on our work, products (such as handmade items), and how you can support us, (such as fundraising). This may be by post, email or telephone, depending on your preferences. We will also continue to ask about your marketing preferences, to ensure that you are still happy to be contacted by us and by which means.

What the Law says about protection of personal information

The Law on Data Protection is derived from various pieces of legislation (can be found in a number of places). These include the Data Protection Act and the incoming General Data Protection Regulation (the ‘GDPR’) which became enforceable in May 2018. The GDPR states that personal data (information relating to a person that can be individually identified) can only be processed if there is a legal ground to do so. Activities like collecting, storing and using personal information would fall into the GDPR’s definition of processing. The GDPR provides six legal grounds (reasons) under which personal information can be processed (used) in a way that is lawful. For the processing to be permitted by law (lawful), at least one of the legal grounds must apply.

The four legal grounds that are most relevant to ROLDA UK’s use of your personal information are:
2.Legitimate Interest
4.Legal Obligation

How the law applies to ROLDA UK’s use of personal information

ROLDA UK will only process (use) your personal information if we have:
– asked you and have a record of your express and recent consent for us to do so;
– a ‘Legitimate Interest’ to do so in order to support our charitable purposes. Our use will be fair and balanced and never unduly have an impact on your rights.;
– a contract with you that we can only fulfil by using your personal information, e.g. a dog adoption contract or a contract to send you an item that you have requested;
– a legal obligation to use or disclose information about you, e.g. we are required by law to keep records of gifts that are given to us with Gift Aid for 4 years; and we are compelled to disclose information relating to incidents involving dangerous dogs for insurance purposes under the Dangerous Dogs Act.

We will not unduly prioritize our interests as a charity over your interests as an individual. We will always balance our interests with your rights. We will only use personal information in a way and for a purpose that you would reasonably expect in accordance with this Policy.

ROLDA UK will not rent, swap or sell your personal information to other organisations for them to use in their own marketing activities.

1. Consent

ROLDA UK will always ask for your consent before we communicate with you for certain purposes. For example, we will only email or phone you about our fundraising activities if we have an accurate record of your recent and freely given consent to do so.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by phoning 07470549402 or emailing

There are times when it is not practical to obtain and record consent. At those times, we will only process personal information if that processing would meet another legal ground e.g. Legitimate Interests, in which case we would only process in accordance with the law’s strict rules on legitimate interest processing.

2. What is Legitimate Interest

This legal ground for processing means that organisations can process your personal information if they 1. Have a genuine and legitimate reason for doing so and 2. That use does not harm any of your rights and interests as an individual.

ROLDA UK’s Legitimate Interest

We do not unduly prioritise our legitimate business interests as a charity over your interests as an individual. We always respect your rights. Which is why we carry out a balancing exercise of the rights of the charity with the rights of our supporters.

We believe that the best way to look after the interests of our supporters is to consider their unique interests and expectations. As a result, we have established the following categories of ROLDA UK supporter. This provides us with an additional method for assessing that we use your personal information in a way that matches your relationship with us; your interests; and your expectations about your rights.

The four groups for our data protection supporter needs assessments are, supporters that have:
a)pledged their Lifetime interest
b)rehomed a dog with us
c)provided financial donations
d)demonstrated an interest in our cause by contacting us for more information, e.g. to find out more about one of our products, services or campaigns.

What we have a Legitimate Interest to do

We believe that ROLDA UK supporters are connected to our mission and want to know how they can continue to help us to achieve our charitable aims. Unless you tell us not to, we think you are content for us to process (keep and use) your personal information for the following lengths of time. As of May 2018, we promise not to keep your personal information for longer than we specify below. This is not the length of time that we will continue to contact you – this could be a shorter period of time.

Lifetime Interest in ROLDA UK

For supporters who have indicated a Lifetime interest in ROLDA UK by pledging to leave us a gift in your will – we need to keep your information to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled.

ROLDA UK Adopter

These are supporters that rehomed a dog from ROLDA UK and on average a dog in the UK lives to the age of 16 years old. We think that you and the dog you rehomed from us would like to remain in contact with us throughout their lifetime and we will therefore keep your personal information to allow for this.

Financial Supporters of ROLDA UK

These are supporters that help or have helped us with financial gifts. A supporter’s pattern of giving can often change over time. We have found that our financial supporter’s cycle of giving is on average 6½ years. That means the supporter may, for this period of time, stop providing financial support e.g. stop regular-giving through Sponsor A Dog. This can be for a wide number of reasons, including because they choose to support us in a different way. Irrespective of their financial circumstances, these supporters still hold the same principles and values; and continue to be connected to ROLDA UK and our mission. This is evidenced by the fact that many of this group of supporters restart regular-giving, and other financial support, within 6½ years from their last donation. We believe that supporters of our mission never stop believing in the importance of improving the lives of dogs, but we do stop using the personal information of these supporters after 6½ years from the time of the last donation.

Demonstrated an interest in ROLDA UK via an enquiry

These are supporters of our mission, who have demonstrated an interest in our cause by contacting us for more information, e.g. to find out more about one of our products, services or campaigns.

We think someone that has reached out to us to find out more about ROLDA UK and what we do, would like us to provide that information; perhaps a little more information; and even some support in fulfilling their initial query or request. To support this, we keep your personal information for a period of 2 years.

Supporters demonstrate their support in a number of ways and so could be in more than one, or even all, of the above categories. We will review and refresh these categories and the timescales on a rolling basis to ensure that as times and needs change we continue to do the very best by our supporters.

It is always your choice. If you don’t think this is quite right for you, you can tell us to change your communication preferences and our use of your information. You can do this at any time by phoning 07470549402 or emailing

Legitimate Interest to send you direct mail

Unless you tell us not to, we will rely on our Legitimate Interest ground (explained above) for sending you direct mail. From time to time, we would like to post you exciting updates about our work, products, services and how you can support us, including fundraising activities and research. Unless you have requested that we do not send you some, or all of this, our direct mailings do include marketing and fundraising asks which further the aims and objectives of ROLDA UK.

We are always mindful of trying to only send you what you are interested in and only as often as is appropriate. If we do not appear to be sending communications that are of interest, we will review this and will endeavor to reduce and then stop these types of communications in a much shorter time than the above defined period of Legitimate Interest e.g. if you donated three years ago and do not seem to have been interested since then we are likely to reduce these communications, even though we have a legitimate interest to process for 6 ½ years. The average length of time required for us to be able to properly assess and reflect on your pattern of response is about two years. But you’re in control so if you want to ensure that we do not send this type of communication anymore, you can update your preferences at any time by phoning 07470549402 or emailing us at

Legitimate Interest to process your information

We aim to be clear about what information we collect, to enable you to make meaningful choices about how it is used.

When it is necessary we will contact you for administrative purposes, e.g. to contact you regarding a payment. We will also hold the minimum personal information required to support our ability to respect your preferences for communication with us.

To help you to understand when and why ROLDA UK would use Legitimate Interest to process your personal information we provide the following examples:

  • To send postal communications (as explained above).
  • To enhance, modify, personalize and improve our services and communications for the benefit of our supporters.
  • To improve security of our websites and systems.
  • To prevent fraud when transacting on our website.
  • To process your donations.
  • To fulfil online transactions; process and deliver your order(s).
  • To take payment and arrange delivery, we need to collect personal information, including your payment details, your full name, delivery address and contact details.
  • To analyse your personal information to ensure that our communications are relevant to you.

The above list of examples are on the basis that the processing will not be done if it harms your rights and interests as an individual, or if you tell us that you’d like us to stop. You can do this at any time by phoning 07470549402 or emailing

Cookies are small pieces of information in the form of text files that are sent to your browser from our web server and are stored on your computer.

Cookies are essential to using the website, as they gather information on the type of platform you’re using to view our website e.g. Windows, IPhone, PS3. We use this information to optimise our website for your particular platform, so that you have the best experience no matter which platform you use.

  1. Essential to Site function cookies – these cookies allow you to browse the site, search for products and add items to the basket.
  2. Helpful, non-intrusive cookies – these help improve your experience on the site, for example by recognizing your location, therefore, displaying appropriate delivery options in a banner, and reminding you of your recently viewed items.
  3. Third-Party Cookies – to help us record customer experience and to allow us to test new services, to help us improve the customer journey on the website.

Google Analytics

ROLDA UK uses Google Analytics to collect information about the use of this site. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit this site, what pages they visit when they do so, and what other sites they used prior to coming to this site. Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit this site, rather than your name or other identifying information. We do not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. Although Google Analytics plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this site, the cookie cannot be used by anyone but Google. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to this site is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy. You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to this site by disabling cookies.

Disclosure about collection of data: Third parties, including Facebook, may use cookies, web beacons and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from our website and elsewhere on the Internet and use that information to provide measurement services and target ads. You can opt out of the collection by visiting their websites.

How do I disable cookies?

(Please be aware the e-commerce functionality of the site requires cookies to be turned on)

If you want to disable cookies you need to change your website browser settings to reject cookies. How to do this will depend on the browser you use and we provide further detail below on how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers:-

For Microsoft Internet Explorer:
1. Choose the menu “tools” then “Internet Options”
2. Click on the “privacy” tab
3. Select the setting the appropriate setting

For Mozilla firefox:
1. Choose the menu “tools” then “Options”
2. Click on the icon “privacy”
3. Find the menu “cookie” and select the relevant options

For Opera 6.0 and further:

1. Choose the menu Files”> “Preferences”
2. Privacy


We use  third-party providers, like Mailchimp, Aweber and DonorPerfect softwares, all complying with GDPR policy, to deliver our monthly e-newsletters. We collect statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies including clear gifs to help us monitor and improve our e-newsletter.

Why does ROLDA ask for my information?

In order to participate in some of ROLDA’s activities, you might be asked to provide some personal information. This could be in connection with any one or combination of the following:

  • Making a donation online;
  • Sending personalized e-mail messages when responding to action alerts;
  • Participating in surveys and signing petitions

How does ROLDA collect my information?

In most cases, information will be collected directly from you:

  • via submission forms on our website;
  • by mail or e-mail when you contact us to make a donation;
  • in person at events, when signing petitions or signing up to receive alerts from us.

We may also collect information from third party sources (including obtaining details for potential future supporters from like-minded organisations or third-party suppliers, where you have provided your consent for this to happen).

How does ROLDA use the information gathered from the above sources?

We collect your information in order to:

  • send you details about our campaigns, events, activities and local volunteer opportunities;
  • send you membership and renewal appeals;
  • maintain accurate records of our members.

ROLDA UK also uses information gathered via our websites to improve our Web-based campaigns. In order to provide you with better and more relevant information, we compile information about e-mail response and website usage.

How does ROLDA store and protect my information?

ROLDA is extremely protective of the information gathered through its membership servicing and website. Our website has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of the information under our control. The security of your personal information is important to us. Your data will be hosted on our Web server, located in a locked, secure environment, which will not be transferred out of the European Union. Or in the case of Aweber, Mailchimp, or DonorPerfect the data will be stored in the US.

Does ROLDA share my information with others?

ROLDA never rents or sells your personal information. We do occasionally make the names and postal addresses of members who have consented to the sharing of this information available to reputable commercial companies and advocacy and non-profit organizations on a reciprocal basis.

Personal information is stored in on our website database or on database operated by third-party service providers complying with GDPR rules.

Additionally, if ROLDA reasonably believes that use or disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious and imminent threat to either individual or public health or safety, it may disclose your information. Furthermore, if ROLDA reasonably believes that disclosure to relevant enforcement bodies is necessary for the prevention, detection, investigation or remedying of seriously improper conduct or prescribed conduct, it may disclose your information.

Disclosure to advocacy targets

At times you may choose to sign one of our petitions or use our online tools that will send your personal information (usually your name, email and/or contact details you provide in the form or tool) directly to the targets of certain advocacy campaigns. For example, you may use our online tool to send an email directly to a campaign target, such as a Minister or company, as if it came from your email program. This tool sends your name and email address to the campaign target. Please be aware that the recipients will then be able to reply directly to you. We would not have any control over how your personal information will be handled by these advocacy targets.

Advocacy targets may be located in the UK or overseas. If your information is to be sent to an advocacy target overseas, we will disclose the location of the target on the petition.

International disclosure

ROLDA UK  is part of an international charity with offices in many countries, all sharing the objective of helping animals around the world.  Our international entity, the Romanian League in Defense of Animals (ROLDA USA) is located in the United States.  In order to carry out our functions and provide our programs and services we may need to disclose personal information to our international entity, ROLDA USA, from time to time.

Your personal information may also be sent overseas in the following limited circumstances:

  • we may engage external suppliers such as mailing houses and telemarketers that we contract with to assist with fundraising and the administration and management of ROLDA;
  • we may engage contractors located overseas for the limited purposes of storing personal information (including the storage of financial information in a cloud-based accounting program) and ensuring that such information remains accessible upon demand; and
  • we may also liaise with overseas not-for-profit organizations for the sharing of mailing lists to enable these organizations to contact our supporters with information we believe may be of interest to our supporters or donors.

The countries to which we may disclose your personal information include but are not limited to the United States.

We will make every reasonable effort to ensure that overseas recipients only use your personal information as part of the primary purpose for which it was provided (or for any secondary purposes directly related to that primary purpose) and that such recipients are either:

  • aware of and agree to not breach the current data protection laws before we disclose any information to them; or
  • we reasonably believe that they are subject to a law that has the effect of protecting your personal information in a way that is substantially similar to the current data protection applicable rules within the EU.

Otherwise, we will obtain your consent before any such disclosure.

It is important to know that you can instruct us on how we are allowed to use your personal information or if you want us to delete your personal information from our records.

How does ROLDA UK use the materials I submit?

All photos, text and other content or information submitted by you to ROLDA UK shall become the property of ROLDA UK, and ROLDA UK shall have no obligation to preserve, return or otherwise make available to you or other people any photos or information so submitted.

You understand that because ROLDA UK becomes the owner of all photos, text and other content or information submitted by you, ROLDA UK and its officers, directors, employees, successors and assigns may use, reproduce, edit, display, transmit, modify, publish, prepare derivative works of and otherwise make use of the submitted photos, text and other content or information in any and all media – whether now known or hereinafter created – throughout the world and for any purpose, without compensation to you of any kind.

By submitting any photo, text or other content or information to ROLDA UK, you hereby represent and warrant that the submitted photo, text or other content or information does not infringe on any copyright or trademark, any rights of privacy or publicity of any person or any other right of any third party. You hereby represent and warrant that you have the right to transfer the photo, text or other content or information to ROLDA UK free and clear of any claims or encumbrances.

You acknowledge and agree that ROLDA UK shall have no obligation to post, display or otherwise make publicly available any photo, text or content or other information submitted by you.

You further understand and intend that any photo, text and other content or information submitted by you to ROLDA UK may be available for viewing, rating, reviewing and commenting by the public. You understand that comments or ratings that you disagree with or are unhappy about may be published or otherwise become associated with any photo, text or other content or information that you submit to ROLDA UK. By submitting any photo, text or other content or information to ROLDA UK, you hereby waive any privacy expectations that you may have with respect to any such photo, text or other content or information submitted by you to ROLDA UK.

You hereby agree to hold ROLDA UK and its officers, directors, employees, successors and assigns harmless from and against – and hereby waive any right to pursue – any claims of any nature arising in connection with ROLDA UK’s use of the photos, text or other content or information submitted by you to ROLDA UK and used in any manner in ROLDA UK’s sole and absolute discretion.

How is information used in ROLDA UK e-news?

You will only receive e-mail newsletters (e-news) from us if you have expressly signed up for e-news on a ROLDA UK website. The information we gather from subscribers to our e-news lists (including e-mail addresses) is not shared with other organizations or companies not affiliated with ROLDA UK.

From time to time, we may send out e-mail messages that might include information about these like-minded organizations and companies, but we do not provide them with access to any personal information you have provided. If you live outside the United Kingdom and provide us with your contact details, we may share them with ROLDA UK’s international affiliates in order to keep you apprised of developments in your part of the world. If you don’t want your information to be given to ROLDA UK’s international affiliates, please contact us at

All e-mail messages sent to e-mail newsletter subscribers contain a link to unsubscribe or to modify your profile. You may subscribe or unsubscribe to any e-news or e-mail communication from ROLDA UK at any time.

If you have any questions about ROLDA UK e-news, please e-mail

How do I access information ROLDA holds about me or make a complaint?

Subject to some exceptions allowed by law, you are entitled to access your personal information.

We will only collect the data that we need to carry out the purposes you have contacted us for, or given us permission to use it for.

To enable us to carry out the purposes you have contacted us for, there will be occasions when we will make some data collection mandatory i.e. your name and address to claim gift aid, or your email address to access our services. If you don’t provide this data, we cannot carry out the purposes you have contacted us for.

We will always tell you why these fields are mandatory.

At any time that you wish you can:

  • gain access to your personal information,
  • object to the processing of your personal information,
  • object to the use of automated decision-making and profiling,
  • restrict the processing of your personal information,
  • ask for a copy of your personal data (known as data portability),
  • rectify or correct your personal information, and
  • have your personal information removed (known as Erasure or the ‘right to be forgotten’).

Where you have provided consent to be contacted or to receive a service, you will be entitled to withdraw that consent at any time.

The easiest way to access or correct information we hold about you or to make a complaint regarding how we have dealt with your personal information is by contacting us at

If you’ve made a complaint, we will send you a written response acknowledging that your complaint has been received and providing you with contact details for the representative handling it and the estimated time it will take to provide you with an update on its status.

Correcting your personal information

If you believe the personal information we hold about you may be incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date, please contact us at We will respond to requests to change your personal information within a reasonable timeframe and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold about you remains accurate, up-to-date and complete.

Opting Out

If you wish to opt out of receiving communications from ROLDA UK, you can let us know by emailing us at

Additional Questions?

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, the information that we have collected from you online, the practices of this site or your interaction with this website, please contact us at

You can also reach us via mail or phone at:
Suite 9273
PO Box 4336
M61 0BW
Phone: 07470549402
Read also Terms and Conditions page