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You can make a difference in a dog's future with just a monthly donation of 3 GBP. By contributing the equivalent of 3 GBP/month, you can directly improve the life of a dog.

“This is one of the worst I’ve seen” exclaimed our vet, gingerly removing a plastic shopping bag stuck to Bela’s deep and infected facial wound. Bela’s story begins in the village of Cismele, South-East Romania, one of the country’s poorest rural communities.

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Romania has millions of street animals. Many need urgent medical attention to save their lives or heal agonising injuries. You can make this happen.

We have a strict no-kill policy.
Please join the ROLDA Rescue Team today.

They are lost in a cruel, unsympathetic world. Will you join the ROLDA Rescue Team to help rescue, heal and find a loving home for the animals we saved?

As a member of our Rescue Team, you will bring comfort and joy to our furry friends. By making a monthly donation you will become a cherished member of the ROLDA Rescue Team.

Impact of your donation: Bela’s second chance

Bela was attacked and left for dead.
She managed to drag her injured body so she could be seen before collapsing. When the ROLDA Rescue Team arrived, Bela was motionless and looked like she was already gone.

But then she stirred and her eyes begged for help. Bela has experienced fear and pain as no dog should. Only with your help can we save dogs like Bela, who need urgent, life-saving treatment.

Rescue a Homeless Animal Today

You can save animals with us. Join the ROLDA Rescue Team today.


buys a vaccine to protect a new rescued dog against deadly diseases

15 USD

buys a new blanket/straws or a coat to keep a rescued dog/cat warm in winter

20 USD

covers the fuel for ROLDA rescue van for a day

35 USD

covers food and prevention treatment for a dog/cat for a month

50 USD

pays a visit to the vet for a medical exam for a new rescued animal

Puppies left to perish

ROLDA discovered these innocent young puppies freshly abandoned at an open dump with a treacherous hole in the ground right next to them.
We took them back to our shelter where we checked, fed, cleaned, vaccinated and sterilised them. Do you think it then took us long to find them new homes? Give abandoned dogs a fresh chance in life and donate today.

A “human” threw 2 pups in a bag and abandoned them, together with their mum, who was tied up by our shelter gate. When our caretakers saw something moving in the bag, they knew what to expect, because they have been seeing this scene over and over again, for years.

The big surprise was once the bag was opened and from its bottom appeared 2 pairs of gorgeous eyes and simply irresistible smiling faces. At ROLDA, this newly rescued family will get everything we are able to offer them. The female adult is not adoptable yet, because she is a little aggressive. The pups will separated immediately after they stop being dependent on their mum.