#GiveHope to animals that have no one else
Romania has a huge homeless animals’ problem, with million dogs estimated to roam as strays at any one time. ROLDA UK is a small charity acting as “supporting organization” for the partner charity ROLDA Romania, the “global entity”.
The UK team is formed by a growing team of wonderful, skilled British staff & volunteers and mainly works:
• to raise awareness and financial support for ROLDA Romania for animals in need and for the poor Romanian communities struggling to look after their pets responsibly;
• to find homes for rescue dogs by ROLDA Romania team, alongside compiling applications for grants to sustain our work;
• to support other programs and campaigns initiated by ROLDA Romania, including providing Worldwide aid to animals and their people located in areas affected by natural of humane made disasters e.g. the war in Ukraine;
• to build a network of fosters carers in order to bring dogs over for people to meet before they make a decision and also as a back-up for any unsuccessful adoptions.
Some of #ROLDAdogs adopted in the UK

“ROLDA UK became a registered CIO in 2015 and Gift Aid can be claimed by British donors. With 3 trustees and a small team to cover admin, social media, adoptions, individual and community fundraising, the future of ROLDA UK looks bright.
Over the last years ROLDA UK progressed impressively; we increased the income from private donations as well as the number of unique donors. Big thanks to our generous British supporters who make our existence possible.”
With respect and hope, Dana!