A despicable, cowardly act
This poor tiny dog—approximately 1-year-old—was found yesterday morning covered in tar. The dog was found and reported to ROLDA by a man from a nearby military unit who heard the desperate screams of the dog as the tar was burning his skin. The dog had been wrapped in plastic and thrown in a tar pit as an apparent punishment.

This poor tiny dog—approximately 1-year-old—was found yesterday morning covered in tar. The dog was found and reported to ROLDA by a man from a nearby military unit who heard the desperate screams of the dog as the tar was burning his skin. The dog had been wrapped in plastic and thrown in a tar pit as an apparent punishment.
The local veterinarian and ROLDA volunteers from Sweden—who were in town assisting with our September sterilization campaign—attended to the dog immediately. They’ve successfully removed his fur, which was completely covered with tar, and cleaned his burnt skin and his wounds caused by the boiling liquid.
They’ve given him antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication, and pain medication.
Although he’s been looked after with gentle care and kindness, he is in extreme shock and stress. He cannot stop shaking from the fear and the trauma he has suffered.
We’ve named this poor dog Tarot. He has an identity, he has a soul. He has feelings just like us. He can feel pain and fear. Tarot wasn’t screaming because he’s an animal…he was screaming because hot tar was burning his entire body! Whoever did this to Tarot is inhuman and a coward! No animal deserves this!
Everyone who has attended to Tarot is also in shock. There have been many tears and broken hearts as we desperately race to save him. ROLDA is extremely grateful to everyone who has been there for Tarot!!! Together we are fighting to save him!!!
His life is at risk.
Please show your support to Tarot and the medical staff who are working night and day to save him and click on the right Donate button! Remember, it’s because of you that ROLDA can be there for emergency cases like this. If ROLDA did not exist, Tarot would have died a slow, dreadful death.
Thanks to you, we continue #givehope to helpless animals when no one else will. Please, make a small gift to help Tarot today.
P.S. You can follow Tarot’s progress on ROLDA’s Facebook page. Stay tuned for updates.
Tarot is now safely adopted by a loving family in Sweden. Tarot, now called Simson, has become a big landowner in Sweden, likes to take a break in the sun, has a lot of dog and human friends and he has lost his initial fear of men. Simson is now thriving in his new home, often going camping and exploring new areas with his brothers and sisters.