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Adopt a dog in Manchester

Adopt a dog in Manchester

Maybe you never thought of yourself as a person who saved lives, but if you adopt a dog in Manchester, that is precisely what you will do. For that, you will have the undying loyalty of your new furry friend and our lifelong appreciation. And you can trust us on that as we know best what saving lives is all about, as we have been doing that for the past 16 years in our two shelters in Galati County, Romania. Thousands of dogs have been saved from the streets, treated, healed, trained, and sent on their way to make families whole and homes a bit happier.

However, we can only do this with the extended support of an international community of animal lovers, donors and international adopters (like the one you will become once you decide to adopt a dog in Manchester) to continue our work. From the construction of the shelters to the ongoing administrative and medical costs and the social programs, it’s all made possible by donations. This means that many people see value in what we do and come together to help as much as possible.

However, looking past this colossal effort and a great amassing of forces from within and outside the country, the best outcome we hope for is for as many of our four-legged residents to find a home. This is why international adoptions play such a significant role, and if you adopt a dog in Manchester, you will be helping us check the final and extremely important box on the list of things to do to save an animal’s life.

Unfortunately, not all dogs in our shelter have the same chance of finding a home. Some of them arrive at our doorstep so broke, so old, and so sick that few people would ever feel they have the mental, physical, and financial means to help such an animal. And we get it! If your kind heart tells you to adopt a dog in Manchester and give it a loving home, you can only do it within your means. Expensive medicine and operations are hard to sign on to.

So, how can you still help? Well, not all stories of pups are that dramatic IF we manage to get to them in time. Puppies that have not spent a lot of time on the streets are spared the trauma and abuse. While other dogs are simply resilient and can still make great companions. Therefore, by picking one of these dogs when you decide to adopt a dog in Manchester, you will take care of him in our place while we make room in our shelter for one dog with no chance of ending up with a loving family.

This is a harsh reality, but we manage to do more when we are realistic in our expectations and transparent with our community. Taking home a healthy dog comes with enough responsibilities, like providing a good place to sleep, nutritious meals, veterinary check-ups, several walks throughout the day, cuddles, playtime, and attention. And you are supposed to do this until the end of that dog’s lie, not just for a few months or years. Isn’t this enough responsibility? We think it is and are thankful you are willing to take on it.

So, pick one of our pups when you adopt a dog in Manchester. You will make one animal extremely happy and one rescue team incredibly grateful. By taking on responsibility for that animal, you will ensure that another one from the street gets the same chance at a happy life!

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