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Adopt a dog in Scotland

Adopt a dog in Scotland

How easy is it to adopt a dog in Scotland when you opt for a shelter in Romania?

If you are ready to make a small (or big) dog happy, we are more than able and prepared to help you. We currently house around 700 dogs in our shelters, but we have helped thousands of dogs throughout the years. These dogs are rescued from the streets in various health conditions but receive the necessary care once they arrive at our ROLDA shelter in Galati County. We get them examined and treated by a veterinarian, give them food and a place to rest, vaccinate them, and start getting them ready for adoption.

The veterinary clinics we work with immediately take in the dogs we rescue who are suffering the most and who need urgent care. Some are so badly injured that they end up spending days, weeks, or even months in these clinics, where doctors try their best to save their legs, vital organs, and even their lives. It is traumatic for the dogs and challenging for everyone involved.

By choosing to adopt a dog in Scotland, you are not just bringing a new member into your family, but also providing a second chance at life for a dog in need. Your decision to adopt directly supports our team’s efforts to save hundreds of lives each year. We can only continue this important work with your help and the knowledge that our dogs have the opportunity to be in their own homes, cared for by loving families like yours.

A lot of effort goes into what we do, from rescuing dogs who get hit by cars and giving them a second chance at life to constantly making sure that we have the funds to cover all these expenses through individual donations and sponsorships. We need to never lose sight of the final goal: adoption. While some of our residents do end up spending their entire lives in our shelters, others have a great shot at catching the eye of someone in Scotland looking to adopt a dog.

We save these dogs from the streets and abusive households and help them become adoptable companions in every possible way. So, if you are ready to adopt a dog in Scotland, we have already done most of the work for the adoption process. Apart from the international documents with your name on them, everything else is checked off the list. The dogs who are in good health, ready to travel, and have been cleared by professionals as being safe around people and families with or without children are ready to be adopted.

You can choose from 700 dogs of all sizes and constitutions with different personalities. You are sure to find a great match. We strive to provide as much information on the dog as possible (since most are rescued from the streets) because it is in our best interest to find an animal you can care for. If that dog ends up abandoned or given up another time around, the trauma would be very hard to overcome. Make sure you get everything you need to know about your future furry friend and make a responsible decision when you decide to adopt a dog in Scotland.

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