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ROLDA Financial Reports

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Accounts and Annual Returns for ROLDA UK

(Fiscal year: 01 July – 30 June)

Receipts and Payments Accounts for ROLDA UK

Income and endowments
Donations Adoption Fees Transport for dogs Gift Aid Charitable activities Total
Donations 131,448.00 Adoption Fees 2,400.00 Transport for dogs - Gift Aid 7,209.00 Charitable activities - Total £141,057.00
Telephone Postage and stationery Sundries Subscription Software subscriptions Computer and office equipment Office administration expenses
Telephone 200.00 Postage and stationery 123.00 Sundries 156.00 Subscription 305.00 Software subscriptions 696.00 Computer and office equipment 569.00 Office administration expenses 150.00
Accountancy Consultancy Online Giving fees Bank charges Pet Expenses Scratchcard winnings Grant to ROLDA Romania Total
Accountancy 960.00 Consultancy 2,785.00 Online Giving fees 315.00 Bank charges 15.00 Pet Expenses 4,214.00 Scratchcard winnings 100.00 Grant to ROLDA Romania 39,000.00 Total £49,588.00

Net income at 30 June 2024: £91,469

Independent examiner: A J Syddall M.A., A.C.A., P B Syddall & Co, Chartered Accountants

Financial Reports for ROLDA Romania
(Fiscal year: 01 Jan – 31 Dec)

Financial reports for ROLDA Foundation Romania include all donations, grants and sponsorships received from our international branches.

Annual Report
(for period 01 Jan – 31 Dec)

The Annual Report highlights the ROLDA’s activities in Romania and internationally.

Other documents

Governing document - CIO Foundation registered 16 July 2015

Romanian Certificate of Incorporation

Rescued in Romania, adopted in the UK and around the World

Lovely people from all over Europe and across the ocean open their houses and hearts to thousands of #roldadogs and hopefully, more in the future. Read some testimonials from adopters and remember that the best gift you can make is to give a rescued dog a forever home.

PawzUp Center, the first cage-free dog shelter in Romania

Be part of this amazing project: our bold dream to bring people and animals together and allow them to help one another and enjoy each other’s company.

Donations are tax exempt and Gift Aid can be claimed.

In case you prefer to donate offline:

Bank account details:

SC 20-09-72
AC 23689565
IBAN GB85 BARC 2009 7223 6895 65

Cheques payable to ROLDA UK are gratefully received at:

Suite 9273
PO Box 4336
M61 0BW