Help for Hera
Hera was found on the streets. Her entire body was covered in tar that had matted her fur and even oozed deep to her skin. We can’t imagine the pain she had suffered…well, to be honest, we don’t want to imagine.

Hera’s hell: dog found in tar – fighting for her life.
Hera was found on the streets. Her entire body was covered in tar that had matted her fur and even oozed deep to her skin. We can’t imagine the pain she had suffered…well, to be honest, we don’t want to imagine.
From the texture of her fur and skin, we believe Hera had been in this condition for weeks. It’s a miracle that she managed to survive. We had to wash her with oil to remove the tar, dirt, and dead skin before we could begin to treat her with medicated baths and antibiotics. She is in poor health, but our hope is that she will pull through.
Thanks to our veterinarian, Andrei, and our amazing Rescue Team, Hera is making good progress. Her recovery will take some time, but we have faith that she will overcome her tragic past and will be a loving, faithful, and grateful companion to a lucky family one day!
Help us help them!
As you read these lines, please be as generous as you can for thousands of homeless dogs who are suffering.
Please check our Before/After page to see more special cases of dogs who have been rescued from death and are now safe and happy because you care and believe in our work.
Adopt one of our dogs
Dogs who need a forever home. They’ve all been living on the streets, exposed to unimaginable dangers. Today, they are safe with us in our ROLDA sanctuaries, waiting for their forever home. Do you have one to give?
Hera teaches us that her beauty is not only skin deep…
“Hera felt Hell consume her entire body. The flaming hot tar seeped through her fur until it began to burn her flesh. She was extremely scared and in insufferable agony. I can’t describe how much she had to endure. I don’t even want to imagine. But Hera is a tough girl, and the worst is already behind her, and for all of us here at ROLDA. Of course, she needs time to heal both her external and emotional wounds, and our ROLDA team is here to make sure that Hera gets the best medical care and that she will never suffer again. Thank you all for helping us save dogs like Hera.”
– Dana Costin, ROLDA Founder

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