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What is Payroll Giving?

Payroll Giving is the easiest and most efficient way for you to support your favourite charity. It allows you to automatically donate to a charity like ROLDA UK every month before tax is deducted from your income taken out of your paycheque, so it’s the most tax-efficient way to help us with our cause!

When you choose to donate before tax, we receive the donation before you would have paid tax on it, making all Payroll Giving donations exempt from tax! This means your support goes much further to more Romanian animals in need of immediate medical care and shelter.

Benefits for you


Payroll Giving is quick, easy and ideal for busy people.

Tax effective

It’s a tax-effective way of making regular donations.

Regular support

Payroll Giving is an excellent and straightforward way of providing ongoing support for the hundreds of homeless, unwanted, injured, and abused dogs that ROLDA helps every year.


You can set up your donation without giving your bank details and you can choose how you want to be contacted.

Benefits for your company

There are so many pawsome reasons your company should sign up for a Payroll Giving scheme!

Enhances your business’ charitable giving, with little effort or cost to you.

Efficiently measures your business’ charitable giving.

Improves CRS and raises your company’s Corporate Community Investment profile.

Has an incredible impact on staff morale, knowing the company they work for is doing something so easy to help staff support their favourite charities – can aid staff retention. The next generation of employees increasingly ask about the social responsibility and ethical profile of businesses.

Gives organizations the opportunity to match donations – any money the company donates is eligible for tax relief.

Important for your company branding:

Every employer that offers a Payroll Giving scheme to their employees is eligible to receive a Quality Mark. Employers that achieve set participation rates are eligible to apply for a Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum or Diamond Quality Mark.

FAQs about My Payroll Giving

When do my donations start?

Your first Payroll Giving donation will be made on your next payday unless you sign up just after your company’s payroll has been produced, in which case your first donation will be deducted on the following payday.

How do I know that ROLDA UK have received my donation?

When donations start being taken from your salary they will appear on your payslip.

Can I give to more than one charity?

Of course! You can donate to as many UK-registered charities as you want to.

When I leave my job, what happens to my Payroll Giving donation?

Your Payroll Giving donation will stop. If you work for another employer, contact the payroll department at your new workplace and tell them that you would like to make charitable donations via Payroll Giving. If you are retiring you might like to think about Payroll Giving from your pension. If you have a personal pension, ask your pension provider if they have a Payroll Giving Scheme and tell them you would like to join.

What should I do if my employer doesn’t currently have a Payroll Giving scheme?

That’s not a problem, fill out the form anyway and we can check for you. We’re also very happy to recommend an HMRC verified Payroll Giving Agency (PGA).

How does the tax relief work?

Your Payroll Giving donation is made up of two parts: your salary donation plus the tax you would have paid on that part of your salary had you not made a donation. For example, if you are a basic rate, 20%, taxpayer, to donate £10, only £8.00 would be deducted from your salary. £2.00 is the tax you would have paid on the £10, and that is paid to the charity. The tax effect means that, for the same net cost to you, ROLDA UK receives even more from higher-rate taxpayers. This tax element is paid directly to the charity. The charity does not have to claim it. It is, therefore, a very cost-effective way for us to receive donations.

Can I change how much I am donating if I want to?

Yes, you can change how much you want to donate at any time. To change your donation amount, please contact your company’s payroll department.

Can I stop giving when I want?

Yes, all you would need to do is notify your payroll department.

Can I Gift Aid my Payroll Giving donation?

No. It is a different system. If you give by Direct Debit you can Gift Aid it. With Payroll Giving, there is no need. Your donation is taken from pre-tax pay. The tax element is automatically taken care of. Payroll Giving is particularly effective if you are a 40% or 45% taxpayer. It ensures we receive all the tax relating to your donation.