Adopt a dog in Ayrshire

What a wonderful thing to do for another soul! Well done, you, for deciding to adopt a dog in Ayrshire! Did you know that with each successful international adoption, we bring an extensive process of rescuing dogs to fruition? And you are the one who is making all of this possible! Please keep reading to learn more about this amazing team effort and how your decision is changing lives.
We are ROLDA, an animal rescue in Southeastern Romania dedicated to saving animals and giving them a real shot at a decent life. The effort involved in getting each dog off the street is huge, especially considering we do not receive government funding. Our entire operation is funded by sponsorships and individual donations.
Our shelter is an amazing option for our furry residents, as we provide nutritious food catered to each dog’s needs: special puppy food for young dogs, diet food for dogs recovering from various diseases or injuries, and special food for our elderly residents. And, of course, all receive shelter, medical care, and all the love and care we can spare. We house 700 dogs year-round, so as much as we want to give special attention to each resident, it isn’t easy. But when you adopt a dog in Ayrshire, we know that at least one of our rescued doggies will get that special love and attention they deserve all day long and that we are now able to rescue another stray and give them the same chance to find a forever home.
International adoptions have been very important because Romania is still in the beginning stages of fighting abandonment. Although people want to adopt dogs from shelters instead of buying them, we still need more help. The number of animals being abandoned is constantly higher than the number of animals being adopted. So, it’s a blessing that you decided to adopt a dog in Ayrshire from ROLDA.
The fact that you’re choosing a dog from a place so far away should not be seen as an obstacle. We can help with all the information you need about your chosen dog. We cannot know what happened before he got to our shelter. Still, we can tell you the condition he was in when we found him, his whereabouts, the conclusions our staff and our medical collaborators drew, what we did for him, and what still needs to be done in case the rehabilitation process is not complete. Also, note that when you adopt a dog in Ayrshire from ROLDA, we will be very transparent about the situation and the long-term needs of our dogs.
If you need extra information on our pups, like how they react and behave in specific situations, our rescue team will gladly help. Also, we have international colleagues who can answer many of your questions regarding the logistics of the adoption, and they might even pay a visit to see where the dog will be living. These are also the people you will be in contact with once you adopt a dog in Ayrshire and become a member of our international adopters’ family.