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Adopt a dog in Birmingham

Adopt a dog in Birmingham

Wanting to adopt a dog in Birmingham is no easy job. We know you are looking for your new best friend, so we will do all we can to help you find him. Who are we? We are an animal rescue team from Galati County, Romania, who have saved the lives of thousands of dogs until now and plan to keep doing so as long as possible.

A few words about us

We are ROLDA, and the reason we have been so proficient in saving the lives of so many dogs is also due to our location. Galati County is also home to a huge industrial platform that has been abandoned for many years. We are talking about acres of cement with abandoned and decaying buildings, a sort of no-man’s land that served as a breeding ground for the abandoned dogs. As you know, up until the 90s, Romania had had a huge stray dog problem, and places like these only fueled the existing situation.

We started small, saving one or two dogs; as more people joined the fight, we gathered funds to open a legitimate shelter, which we built entirely from donations. Today, you can adopt a dog in Birmingham and pick from one of our 700 rescued dogs housed in the two shelters ROLDA has built and has been administering for the past 15+ years.

Why would it be difficult to adopt a dog in Birmingham?

There are so many dogs in our care who would be the best dogs to a good, loving owner, and we could never pick. But it would be best to adopt a dog in Birmingham according to your criteria and resources. Most of our dogs are low maintenance and have no pedigree requirements you must keep up with. But even with the easiest dog, you must still be consistent in the type of care you provide. You must ensure you can welcome your new friend into your home, provide them with food, water, and a warm and comfy bed to sleep in, and make time for daily walks and periodic check-ups with the vet.

So, after you ensure you can check these off the list of necessities before you sign on to take in one of our dear dogs, you can start the most exciting (and difficult) task: looking at our dogs, reading their stories, and then only picking one. Sure, if you have the resources to take on the responsibility of more than one dog, we would be so happy—just saying! But we are very happy you will adopt a dog in Birmingham and chose us as a rescue center.

Your new best friend is in our care!

We have over 700 dogs at the ROLDA shelters, some large, some small, some playful, some mellow, some very young, some more seasoned. Find out everything you need to know about each of them. If you cannot make up your mind based on the information on our website, reach out to our ROLDA staff, who will be more than happy to help. We can send videos of the dogs, revealing their true personalities and showing how they interact with us and our staff.

And don’t worry. We know how difficult it is for people to take on such responsibility. A young, happy, healthy dog is still a lot of work for anyone looking to adopt a dog in Birmingham. So, what happens to the old and sick dogs? Well, as soon as you choose your new best friend, we can relocate more of our limited resources to provide long-term care to these dogs. We are aware that their chances of getting adopted are fewer than in the case of other dogs. But you can still help by picking another dog from our shelter, one with no reason to spend the rest of his life with us when he could make a family looking to adopt a dog in Birmingham so happy.

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