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Adopt a dog in Brighton

Adopt a dog in Brighton

Are you getting ready to make an important decision, like choosing our shelter to adopt a dog in Brighton? Wonderful! We are here to provide all the information you need on the matter. Just look at our beautiful, rescued dogs, read their stories – be sure to keep some tissues at hand – and pick the one who feels most like he belongs in your family. We have prepared a list of tips to help you along the process. Tell us if there is anything we did not include, and we’ll gladly fill in the gaps.

How to adopt a dog in Brighton from our ROLDA shelter?

1. Compatibility does matter
We don’t recommend adopting a rescue dog if you think their background story will emotionally affect you. These dogs have such sad stories that some people cannot cope with the pain. We understand you want to take them home and shower them with hugs and kisses, but please remember that you are offering this dog your home, family, and love for the rest of their life. So, make sure when adopting a dog in Brighton that you pick one you would get along with.

We are talking about size, personality, type of fur, anything. Don’t just expect to cope with whatever you consider slightly problematic. If you cannot handle the exercise needs of a more energetic dog or do not have enough room for a larger dog, it would be harder for the dog to be returned to us, a situation we want to avoid at all costs.

2. Understand what is involved
We would love nothing more than to know that every one of our rescued dogs has an equal shot at finding a forever home. But even getting them through transportation is problematic for our oldest and sickest residents. The second issue is having people take on the burden of caring for animals with special needs. To this end, we are very transparent, and we make sure that when you decide to adopt a dog in Brighton, you know all that is required of you when caring for the dog you choose.

We don’t want to discourage people from adopting dogs with medical problems or who are considerably old; we just need to ensure they know exactly what they are signing up for when they want to adopt a dog in Brighton.

3. Ask for help
You are not in this alone! You have decided to do a wonderful thing for a beautiful soul, and we will give you all our help and support. Our Romanian rescue team works with Western European people who make international adoptions possible. We will give you all the information on the dog directly from the shelter, even periodic updates on how he is doing and how the preparations for the transportation are going. Our colleagues will help with logistics, documentation, and even help after you adopt a dog in Brighton. They can visit and ensure that the dog is doing well, that you can handle the situation, and that all is fine and heading in the right direction.

If you choose a dog from ROLDA, don’t hesitate to reach out for anything. Our greatest desire is to ensure we find homes for our dogs, and nothing is more important than this final step in their rescue.

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