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Adopt a dog in Bristol

Adopt a dog in Bristol

Good for you! Looking to adopt a dog in Bristol and picking an international shelter with lower chances of finding homes for their pups is wonderful and kind! Know that you have all our appreciation and respect! Now, let’s give you some information on our work and why you chose the right place to come and find your next best friend.

We are ROLDA, a Romanian animal rescue organization that manages two shelters in Galati County—the facilities we built solely from donations house around 700 dogs. Every aspect of our operation is run with money from donations and sponsorships, and veterinarians agree to help out without having to pay the bills upfront. Some do volunteer work, others forfeit the payment altogether, while others accept to wait until we can pay. You can understand how important the correct management of resources is and why the fact that you are looking to adopt a dog in Bristol is a big deal for us

Find your furry friend

You can start looking for your new furry friend on our website. Based on the type of accommodation you can provide, you may already know how large or small your new best friend will be. A smaller dog would be best if you live in an apartment. If you live in a house and have access to a yard, your new friend could have a place to move around, run, and play, making it the perfect place to house a larger dog. Then, you need to think about the personality of the dog. Some dogs are more energetic, being a good fit for people with an active way of life or for people who want to be more active, while others are mellow and a better match for other types of people looking to adopt a dog in Bristol.

However, regardless of the personality of your future friend, all dogs need regular walks and exercise. So, before you take this next step, know that you will have to do these things for your dog, even when you feel tired or not in the mood. A necessity is a necessity, and taking them for a walk is just that for dogs. Wanting to adopt a dog in Bristol comes with a significant commitment and responsibility for your new pet for the rest of his life.

It’s a match!

Personality is very important when making such a decision. So, how can you know from pictures whether the dog you find so cute is the right match for you? We can help. Contact us, and we will give you more information about our pups. We can even give you videos of how they react in various situations, like seeing the shelter staff they are accustomed to versus someone new, how they behave with other dogs, and how territorial or friendly they are.

Also, since we know you know that our dogs are saved from the streets and have been through traumatic experiences, you are encouraged to express any concern and ask all the questions before you decide to adopt a dog in Bristol. As part of the rehabilitation process, the dogs arriving at our shelter get medical check-ups and are examined by dog trainers who assess how suited they are for adoption and living in a home with a large family or children or in a loud and busy environment. There are cases when some of the digs we save do not get the green light, are too scared of men, react poorly to loud noises, get defensive when they see other dogs, and so on. But you will be given these details so that your decision is well-informed.

In the past, we have had people adopt a dog in Bristol and work through the trauma with their new pets. But everybody knows the type of commitment they can sign up for, and we appreciate all those who reach out and want to be a loving family for these poor animals.

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