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Adopt a dog in Cardiff

Adopt a dog in Cardiff

When you decide to adopt a dog in Cardiff and pick one of the residents of the ROLDA shelter, you opt to complete the rescue process and give the greatest gift of all to one of our poor pups who are eager to be someone’s pet, have a home, and have a family of their own. International adoptions are the cherry on top of our effort to get as many dogs as possible off the streets and into the homes and hearts of people who deserve such love and companionship.

Tell you more about our dogs? Our pleasure!

More than 700 dogs are living in our ROLDA shelter in Southeast Romania. For some of them, our shelter will be their forever home, as they are too traumatized to accept leaving our care and too scared of people to willingly go into someone’s home and be exposed to a lot of people and even other animals. We know this sounds harsh, but we are being realistic. Therefore, when you are looking to adopt a dog in Cardiff, you know as much as we do about each dog and whether he will be a good addition to your family.

Some international adopters know the trauma these animals experienced before their rescue and know what to expect from this relationship. They know that it takes some time for such dogs to feel at ease and at home, no matter how welcoming you mean to be. Some of these experienced adopters even feel confident enough to take on a challenging case and try to continue their rehabilitation process in the best environment possible for any animal: in their own safe home, surrounded by a loving family. But is this the case when you want to adopt a dog in Cardiff? Not necessarily.

When looking to welcome a rescue into your home, the first thing is to see what you can offer as a responsible dog owner. If you have had dogs before and have experience working with rescues in need of rehabilitation, then, by all means, pick some of our most demanding dogs. They are just as deserving of love!

However, don’t go for the most challenging cases if this is your first time owning a dog, caring for a dog, sharing a living space, and spending time with a dog. Not even if their stories break your heart! Our international adoption program’s main purpose is to ensure we can find homes for our dogs to fight abandonment. To do so, we need to ensure that you can make good on your word to take care of our rescue when you wish to adopt a dog in Cardiff.

Among our 700 residents, you will most likely find a good boy or good girl who is just the right size and has a matching personality. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and think about the type of dog you wish to find when looking for your new best friend. At ROLDA, we know our rescues so well. Maybe it’s the bond that comes from giving them a second chance at life, our dedication to these animals, and our commitment to making real change for them. But we know each one of them (yes, we know the personalities of 700 dogs), and we know they would make great companions to certain types of people.

So, adopt a dog in Cardiff in full confidence and let us know how we can help!

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