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Adopt a dog in Cheshire

Adopt a dog in Cheshire

Do you want to be greeted with honest joy and excitement when you get home? Then adopt a dog in Cheshire! We have just the best friend you are looking for!

Would an energetic young pup, always dragging you out for walks, be your speed? Or would a mellow, older, wiser dog, curdled up at your feet as you enjoy a good book, be better suited? If you look at our website and read about our residents in the ROLDA shelter, you will find a good girl or boy who will become your new best friend.

Who we are and what we do

We are ROLDA, a Romanian-based shelter that operates as a charity organization. We are self-sufficient and completely reliant on the help and support of animal lovers, and we are superstars of animal rescue in the Southeastern part of the country. More than 16 years ago, we built our first shelter by ourselves, with the funding we collected from good-hearted people. From the first dog we took in, thousands got a chance to live in a shelter or got adopted into someone’s home, as opposed to suffering on the streets. And now you are looking to adopt a dog in Cheshire and give another of our residents the chance to have the happiness they are all looking for.

What to expect if you want to adopt a ROLDA dog in Cheshire

Yes, all our dogs are rescues; by definition, they have all been through some traumatic events. Abandonment itself is unpleasant and traumatic; having to fend for themselves in a world that was not made for them, having to look for food where there is none, having to improvise shelter when there are so many places they are constantly being kicked out of. Before we got them, our dogs had a very hard life, a scarring life. So, we guess you are wondering whether this shows. Yes, it does in some cases.

When you decide to adopt a dog in Cheshire, if you pick one of ours, you pick a dog that has already undergone several rehabilitation steps. We are talking about medical care, a corresponding diet, a long time of not looking for food and shelter, some peace, and some experienced caregivers to nurture them back into a state where they can trust people again.

Then, there are the cases where they get stuck along the way. Either their physical wounds are too severe, or their fear is too deep; some of our dogs need more rehabilitation, more work, and sometimes, just the professional care of our staff. Even if you are confident enough to love such a dog, our experts would advise you against moving them and placing them in a family. It all depends on the rehabilitation potential of each case, but there are situations where, unfortunately, we need to take on full responsibility for some animals forever.

If you still wish to adopt a dog in Cheshire and would not mind the challenge, there are always those residents who are not yet fully rehabilitated but could one day be made better with the love and care of a family in a real home. You can find these cases in our rescue stories, and you will get the full information on each situation.

Otherwise, most dogs in our care—we have over 700 residents in the ROLDA shelter—are resilient. Whatever they have been through is forgotten once our rescue team gives them a bowl of food and our veterinary collaborators do their gentle checkups. All that is left for them to do is be a good boy or a good girl, look nice in pictures, and hope you pick them when you want to adopt a dog in Cheshire.

Do you want to hear more news about our stories?

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