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Adopt a dog in Glasgow

Adopt a dog in Glasgow

Adopt a dog in Glasgow and experience the joy of saving two lives with one incredibly compassionate act. Not only will you be giving a loving home to a dog in need, but you’ll also be freeing up space in our shelter for another dog to be rescued.

When you visit our website, you will be amazed at how much ROLDA has accomplished in 16 years of activity backed solely by donors, supporters, and volunteers. And when you visit our adoption page, you will be overwhelmed by the hundreds of rescued dogs waiting for forever homes.

When you decide to adopt a dog in Glasgow, we will provide you with all the necessary information. This includes the dog’s condition when it arrived at our shelter, the care and treatments we’ve provided, and any current health conditions that may incur future or long-term medical expenses. We believe in transparency to ensure you can make an informed decision and provide the best care for your new companion.

If caring for a dog with costly veterinary bills is not in your budget, we have rescued many dogs in good health who are just as eager to find a loving home in Glasgow to call their own. You only need to worry about which of the hundreds of dogs to choose. This is the most challenging part of the adoption process—that, and of course, we having to say goodbye to one of our own as he leaves to be with his new family in Glasgow.

Once you have chosen a dog from our shelters, we will start the adoption procedures and get your new four-legged friend ready to travel. One dog for you so far, right? Good! What happens next in our shelter? One dog adopted means we can use our resources (as few as they are, for they come entirely from donations) to rescue another or provide care for one of our permanent residents. These are dogs who have costly medical conditions and require a lot of attention as they have been through traumatic events that have left them wary of people or are very old. Thankfully, some are still willing and able to adopt a dog in Glasgow under these circumstances, and our appreciation is immense. But these cases are rare.

Realistically speaking, we at ROLDA are properly equipped to take care of our permanent residents until the end of their natural lives. They are safe and already comfortable in our shelter, receive good medical care and nurturing food, and have the stability they lacked all their lives spent on the streets or in abusive households. Is this an effort on our part? Yes, it is. But it is one we are willing to make.

But please feel free to choose any dog you want. Most of our dogs are energetic, healthy, low-maintenance, and very lovable. Given the chance, any of them would be the best companion you would be adopting and bringing to Glasgow!

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