Adopt a dog in Liverpool

If you have made it to this page, you are serious and truly want to adopt a dog in Liverpool.
We congratulate you for choosing to adopt a rescued dog, and we are grateful you have chosen one from Romania, which has an extremely low animal adoption rate. You are doing your part in helping dogs who deserve a second chance at life. You are also an ally and friend to animal lovers in Romania, trying to save as many dogs as possible. We look forward to guiding you through our adoption process and uniting you with your new best friend!
Adopt a dog in Liverpool and help a struggling shelter in Romania!
Your decision to adopt a dog from ROLDA will significantly impact our work at our shelter. What’s the big deal, you may ask? Maybe you did this once before, and maybe most of your friends have rescued animals as pets, so it feels natural for you to want to help such an animal. For us, it means the world.
First, we need international adoption plans to work because adoption rates are very low in Romania, while abandonment rates are very high. We must do everything possible to give our pups a real chance. So, we ask you to adopt a dog in Liverpool and help free up a space for another dog to be taken in, treated, fed, bathed, and given the same chance.
We take great care of our residents, but there are over 700 dogs here, and although we feed, pet, walk, and cuddle as much as we can with them, it is extremely challenging to provide each with the type of love and attention they deserve. But we are a mere substitute until someone decides to adopt a dog in Liverpool and give them their undivided attention.
Second, our shelter is the forever home of some of the dogs that end up in our care. As you may imagine, dogs that are too old, too sick, too crippled, and traumatized are not the best candidates for adoption. Some do miraculously get adopted, but most don’t. Realistically speaking, we must always be prepared to permanently care for such animals in our shelter and allocate the necessary resources.
As you may imagine, an aging, hurt, sick, or traumatized dog will need a lot of attention, both from medical staff and collaborators and our in-house personnel. This can severely deplete our limited resources and reduce our capacity to take in new residents. However, when you adopt a dog in Liverpool and care for that dog in your home, a vacancy opens, and there are more resources to direct toward the animals that need them the most.
In other words, with your one decision to take home a dog from our shelter, you help us give better care to the dogs that are not adopted, and even save others from the street and give them the same chance. We hope you feel even more confident about your decision to adopt a dog in Liverpool and that we will hear from you soon.