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Adopt a dog in London

Adopt a dog in London

Did you know you can adopt a dog in London and make a WORLD of a difference? We believe that international adoptions are a great way to offer a real chance to at least some of the hundreds of dogs in the care of the ROLDA rescue team.

In our 16 years of activity, the two private ROLDA-operated shelters have rescued and housed thousands of dogs. We learned a lot from our experience. For starters, not all dogs have the same chance of getting adopted. And sad as this might be, it is a reality we have grown accustomed to. We know the sick and the old will stay with us until their final days. And while this is not the comfort of a loving home and family, it is still ten times better than being on the streets.

Secondly, we must ensure that the more adoptable dogs find their way home for this to work. This means opening up our communications and spreading the message worldwide that loving friends are waiting to be picked up from Galati, Romania.

You get the chance to PICK your next best friend

How many times have you had this opportunity in life? Our ROLDA shelters host a diverse range of dogs, from small to large, with different personalities and demeanors. We are confident that if you plan to adopt a dog in London, we can find you the perfect match.

Yes, the dogs that end up in our care are usually animals that have suffered from neglect and abuse, have been hit by cars and people, have been attacked by bigger, stronger dogs, and have been subjected to extreme cold or starvation. But once they entered our care, their real lives began. We also have puppies left near the shelter or abandoned right after birth. The ROLDA Rescue team is the beacon of light for all of them.

Depending on what you know you can offer in terms of a comfortable home and care, you can pick your pup. Some people sign up to take care of some of our older residents because they are looking for a mellow companion. We have even had kind-hearted people who chose to take on dogs with considerable medical expenses. We appreciate the effort and desire to do so much good. But we also know that this is not within the means of everyone.

If you are looking for a younger dog that can keep up or even help you build a more active lifestyle, you can find your next jogging buddy in our shelter. Are you looking for a sweet and loving family dog? It will probably be hard for you to pick just one of our dogs.

Adopt one, save three!

So, you plan to adopt a dog in London. Did you know you will save three animals with one gesture of goodwill? How is that? Easy!

You give one the chance to live a real life. You take him out of our shelter and take care of him for the rest of his life. In the meantime, you allow us to use our resources on some other dogs that are unlikely to get adopted, which will be in our care for the rest of their lives. Also, taking one dog out of the shelter makes room for us to save another soul in need. Who knows? Maybe his place will be taken by another pup that only needs a good bath, food, and a lot of pictures on the Internet to find his new family.

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