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Adopt a dog in Newcastle

Adopt a dog in Newcastle

Adopt a dog in Newcastle and help our rescue team in Romania—this is how the network of international good deeds works. Keep reading to learn how to join the movement and make a new best friend. It’s an amazing way to do so much good with one gesture!

We foster over 700 dogs in two shelters we built in Romania. The dogs are brought to us or rescued from the streets. Some are abandoned as puppies, others are abused or hit by cars, and some are old and have difficulty surviving as strays. ROLDA has cared for thousands of dogs since opening our shelters 16 years ago. How do we manage such large numbers? With the help of people like you who adopt a dog in Newcastle because once a dog leaves our shelter to move into their forever home, they allow another dog to be given the same wonderful opportunity.

Are all your dogs available for adoption?

Our rescue team handles everything from rescuing the dogs to providing extra care and consideration to giving each animal the medical attention they need. Even dogs that seem healthy get a full check-up, prevention medicine, vaccines, and professional grooming. Once the dogs are healthy, we start a rehabilitation and training process. Our dogs are socialized, walked, trained by experts, and invigorated to become wonderful companions ready to be adopted in Newcastle.

Dogs who need additional medical care remain in the veterinary clinic until our team is equipped to take on the medical responsibilities at our shelters. Throughout the years, we have had people with the right resources adopt dogs who are very old, sick, or injured, but these are exceptional cases that would be challenging for anyone. If you cannot take on such responsibilities when looking to adopt a dog in Newcastle, it’s ok because our shelters can be their forever home.

We have rescued many unique dogs who are in good health and eager to be adopted. Each one has their own story and personality, waiting for the right family to give them a chance to be part of their lives. We encourage you to consider one of them as a potential addition to your family.

How important is a dog’s size and personality?

Apart from a dog’s size, which is important because it can indicate the type of accommodation you can provide, a dog’s personality is the main trait you should look for when you want to adopt a dog in Newcastle. One of the things that always impresses us when it comes to our dogs is their resilience. Despite the abuse, hunger, thirst, fear, and overall trauma they have endured, they have not lost their desire to be in a home with loving people. Their undying trust in humans, despite their own experience, is a testament to their spirit and is truly heartwarming.

So, how do you know what type of personality a ROLDA dog has? We are always more than happy to provide videos of how each dog behaves to help you make an informed choice. We want to ensure you can offer our rescue the right home and not feel overwhelmed or like you’ve selected a poor match. Animals suffer when they are abandoned and the last thing we want is for one of our rescues to be abandoned again, so we put in as much effort to rehome our dogs as we do to rescue and rehabilitate them because we don’t want them to suffer again.

If you are ready to adopt a dog in Newcastle, our adoption process is designed to ensure that you and your dog are a perfect match. We will guide you through every step, from the initial application to the final adoption, to make sure that you and your new companion are happy together.

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