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Adopt a dog in Nottingham

Adopt a dog in Nottingham

Are you ready to find your new best friend? Consider adopting a dog in Nottingham from our ROLDA shelter in Romania. Each of our over 700 dogs has a unique personality and size, waiting to charm their way into your heart. Remember, adopting a dog is a lifelong commitment. We want to ensure our rescued dogs find a loving home and family, and that you’re ready to be a responsible companion.

If this will be your first furry friend, we have some useful advice to get you started…

Our dogs, although not purebreds and requiring little maintenance, still need constant care and love. When you adopt a dog in Nottingham, you’re not just giving them a place to stay, you’re giving them a home. This means providing a comfortable doggy bed, even though you’ll most likely share your bed, couch, and favorite chair. Having a bed to keep their toys, their little blanket, and something that smells like them alone will show your new best friend that they are more than welcome in your home.

You should also get them their own water and food bowls. When it comes to food, most first-time dog owners have a hard time resisting their dog’s “puppy eyes.” But remember that sugary and salty treats are for humans, not dogs. This still applies even if you adopt a ROLDA dog. Our dogs had a tough life as strays before we rescued them, and they were most likely thankful for any food they found on the streets, but it’s crucial to be mindful that there are unhealthy foods that can make them sick. When a rescue arrives in our shelter, they are given the healthiest option of dog food, with particular nutrients depending on their medical condition, because we know how important nutrition is for their well-being.

It’s also important to constantly change the water in their bowl. Don’t be fooled that you can still see water in the bowl when you walk by. If your new friend has had one drink of water, more than likely, that water is now full of drool. If it’s extra hot outside and inside, and the water is dirty and warm, your dog will not drink from it. Make a habit of replacing it regularly with fresh water.

We think you are about ready to adopt a dog in Nottingham. Here are a couple of more things…

Other obligations to remember are medical appointments, walks, and playtime. We know veterinary bills can be costly, but this tends to happen in extreme situations. If you ensure your dog sees the vet regularly, or as the medical professional suggests, you can prevent severe medical conditions. Walks are also essential, even if your new dog has a yard to run around in. Plus, walking together and playing together is an excellent way to bond. We suggest buying a sturdy leash, collar, and dog toys, but don’t go overboard. When you decide to adopt a dog in Nottingham and give him a loving home, you’re the one he wants to play with most.

If you ever have doubts about your devotion to your furry companion, remember that your commitment to their well-being is what makes you a responsible and dedicated friend. And if you ever need help, our ROLDA staff is always ready to lend a helping hand.

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